Figure 1. Cranial CT scan discloses subarachnoid haemorrhage.
Figure 2. MR-angiography reveales a berry aneurysm at the tip of the basilar artery.
Figure 3. CT scan reveales obstructive hydrocephalus.
Figure 4. Chest X-ray shows bilateral massive pleural effusions.
Figure 5. Chest CT discloses mediastinal enlargement.
Figure 6. (6a and b) Diffusion and perfussion weighted cranial MR show bilateral posterior parietal, and right medial frontal hemispheric ischemia; and (6c) MR-angiography discloses vasospasm at both right anterior cerebral artery and bilateral middle cerebral arteries.
Figure 7. Cranial CT shows bilateral cerebral oedema with subfalcine herniation towards to left side.