
Figure 1. (a, b) CT with contrast revealing gastritis and pneumoperitoneum (case 1). CT: computed tomography.

Figure 2. Visualization of anterior duodenal bulb ulcer measuring approximately 1.5 cm (case 1).

Figure 3. Repair of anterior duodenal bulb ulcer with 3-0 Vicryl (case 1).

Figure 4. Small bowel follow-through results on postoperative day 2 revealing no signs of contrast extravasation to suggest a leak (case 1).

Figure 5. CT with contrast at initial presentation to emergency department revealing pneumoperitoneum and likely perforated gastric ulcer (arrow, case 2). CT: computed tomography.

Figure 6. Visualization of posterior pyloric channel ulcer measuring approximately 2 cm with utilization of methylene blue (case 2).

Figure 7. Posterior gastric perforation being repaired with 3-0 Vicryl (case 2).

Figure 8. Small bowel follow-through results on postoperative day 2 revealing no signs of contrast extravasation to suggest a leak (case 2).